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Personal Stories of
The Power of Intention 

Creating Your Reality 

Confidence & Courage to Leave


I was in a really tough place. I was in a relationship that wasn't meeting my needs. I had been there for so long. I was incredibly unhappy, but I was so scared to leave. After years of mental abuse, my esteem was at an all-time low. I didn't believe I had what it took to leave and start again.


My therapist and I had worked on building confidence and courage as a means to break free. I had completely forgotten the version of me that had any confidence, let alone courage. I knew that if I could connect to the versions of me that had those qualities, I would have what it takes to leave him and start again.


I used the stickers Courage & Confidence. I focused my thoughts, my feelings, my energy on those qualities. I would imagine myself as a woman with confidence. I would see myself as a new me with courage. As time passed, it felt like I was changing. It was like my value for myself was increasing. Then one day, I just felt worthy and capable of more. I'm not saying it was easy to take action and leave, but I had what it takes to do it.


I can say I am now a happy and confident person who had the courage to take the steps to lead a life I'm deserving of. Using those stickers really helped keep me accountable to the version of myself I wanted and knew I could be.

Inspiration Sticker. Law of attraction. Super attractor. Manifestation. Intentional living. Stickers. Bliss. Mindfulness. Power of Intention. Law of Universe. Quantum Field. Resonance. Love Sticker. Good Intentions & Co. Love & Gratitude Sticker. Empowerment. Empowering women. Courageous Woman

In Broken. Have Courage & Confidence


Personal Stories of Courage. Courage Sticker. Inspiration Sticker. Law of attraction. Super attractor. Manifestation. Intentional living. Stickers. Bliss. Mindfulness. Power of Intention. Law of Universe. Quantum Field. Resonance. Love Sticker. Good Intentions & Co. Love & Gratitude Sticker
Personal Stories of Confidence. Confidence Sticker. Inspiration Sticker. Law of attraction. Super attractor. Manifestation. Intentional living. Stickers. Bliss. Mindfulness. Power of Intention. Law of Universe. Quantum Field. Resonance. Love Sticker. Good Intentions & Co. Love & Gratitude Sticker
Personal Stories about inspiration. Inspiration Sticker. Law of attraction. Super attractor. Manifestation. Intentional living. Stickers. Sticker shop. Manifesation retreats. Mindfulness. Power of Intention. Law of Universe. Quantum Field. Resonance. Love Sticker. Good Intentions & Co. Love & Gratitude Sticker
Inspiration Sticker. Manifesation retreats, Bali Retreats. Inspiration Sticker. Law of attraction. Super attractor. Manifestation. Intentional living. Stickers. Bliss. Mindfulness. Power of Intention. Law of Universe. Quantum Field. Resonance. Love Sticker. Good Intentions & Co. Love & Gratitude Sticker

At Empty. Be Inspiration


Transformative Discovery: Unleashing the Power of Good Intentions & Co Stickers

I discovered Good Intentions & Co Stickers and learned about the power I had to shape my reality and shift my mental and emotional energy.


The profound effect it had on me, realizing that I create my relationship with life.

I am the one who can attune to the experiences I want. I am not a victim but a co-creator. I can determine the energy I bring, and therefore my outlook and mentality are directed by me.


I was continually feeling stuck and bogged down by life. I was so unhappy. I didn't know what I wanted, and I couldn't shift the feeling of emptiness and loss. I realized I was continually focusing on the negative, the feeling of being lost and empty, and thinking I am stuck and unhappy.


Katrina from Good Intentions taught me that what we focus on grows. When we struggle, we focus on the problem and therefore get more of the same. We unpacked what I wanted to be feeling, what mental and emotional state would help me, what stuck and empty wanted.


We came to the Intention of Inspiration. When I focused on Inspiration, feeling it, believing I am it, drinking it, restating and radiating it, the magic started to happen. I became inspired. I became the inspiration I needed.


This stuff is so cool! To realize you are the solution to your problems. You just need to focus on what you want.

Finding Peace Within:
My Journey with Good Intentions Stickers

In the midst of life's chaotic whirlwind, I found myself caught in a storm of inner turmoil. Stress and worry seemed to be my constant companions, weighing heavy on my shoulders and clouding my mind. It was during one of these moments of distress that I stumbled upon a simple yet powerful tool that would change the course of my journey towards peace – Good Intentions stickers.

As I reflected on my state of being, I realised that I needed to realign my attention towards a more positive intention. I longed to feel peace amidst the chaos, to find serenity within myself even when the world around me seemed chaotic. With this newfound clarity, I made the decision to commit myself to the intention of peace.

The Good Intentions stickers became my constant companions, serving as gentle reminders of the state of being I wished to cultivate within myself. I adorned my belongings with these stickers – on my laptop, my journal, and even on the mirror where I started my day. Each time I caught sight of these stickers, I was reminded of my intention and the journey I had embarked upon.

At first, it felt like I was merely going through the motions, as if I was pretending to be peaceful amidst the chaos of life. But I persisted, practicing mindfulness and embracing moments of stillness whenever I could. Slowly but surely, I began to notice subtle shifts within myself.

As days turned into weeks and weeks into months, I found that my mind and emotions were beginning to respond to the intention I had set. The incessant chatter of worry began to quiet down, and a sense of calm started to settle within me. It was as if my inner landscape was being transformed, one thought at a time.

Before I knew it, I found myself navigating through life's challenges with a newfound sense of peace and equanimity. The same stressful situations that once left me feeling distressed now seemed to lose their power over me. Instead of reacting with anxiety, I responded with a sense of inner calm, knowing that Peace resided within me.

Looking back on my journey, I realised that the true transformation had taken place within myself. It wasn't my external circumstances that had changed, but rather my perspective and approach towards life. By aligning my attention with the intention of peace, I had become a beacon of tranquility in a world filled with chaos.

Thanks to the power of intention and the gentle guidance of Good Intentions stickers, I had discovered the Peace that had always resided within me. And in doing so, I had unlocked a sense of serenity that would accompany me on my journey for years to come.

Stories of Peace. Bali Retreats. Inspiration Sticker. Law of attraction. Super attractor. Manifestation. Intentional living. Stickers. Bliss. Mindfulness. Power of Intention. Law of Universe. Quantum Field. Resonance. Love Sticker. Good Intentions & Co. Love & Gratitude Sticker

In Turmoil. At Peace


Inspiration Sticker. Law of attraction. Super attractor. Manifestation. Intentional living. Stickers. Bliss. Mindfulness. Power of Intention. Law of Universe. Quantum Field. Resonance. Love Sticker. Good Intentions & Co. Love & Gratitude Sticker. Yoga Retreats
Peace Sticker. Stories of peace. Inspiration Sticker. Law of attraction. Super attractor. Manifestation. Intentional living. Stickers. Bliss. Mindfulness. Power of Intention. Law of Universe. Quantum Field. Resonance. Love Sticker. Good Intentions & Co. Love & Gratitude Sticker. Wellbeing Retreats
Inspiration Sticker. Law of attraction. Super attractor. Manifestation. Intentional living. Stickers. Bliss. Mindfulness. Power of Intention. Law of Universe. Quantum Field. Resonance. Love Sticker. Good Intentions & Co. Love & Gratitude Sticker. Stories about forgiveness

In Anger.
Be Forgiveness & 

Forgiveness Sticker. Healing Retreats. Inspiration Sticker. Law of attraction. Super attractor. Manifestation. Intentional living. Stickers. Bliss. Mindfulness. Power of Intention. Law of Universe. Quantum Field. Resonance. Love Sticker. Good Intentions & Co. Love & Gratitude Sticker


Inspiration Sticker. Law of attraction. Super attractor. Manifestation. Intentional living. Stickers. Bliss. Mindfulness. Power of Intention. Law of Universe. Quantum Field. Resonance. Love Sticker. Good Intentions & Co. Love & Gratitude Sticker
Anger & Intentional
Acceptance with Forgiveness
 My Liberation
Through Good Intentions & Co Stickers

I had been stuck in years of anger and resentment. I just couldn't let the wrongdoings of life, betrayed love, and others disappointing me go. I held onto all the shit that happened to me. I wore it as a badge of honor. I kept telling the same stories over and over again, trapped in victimhood of a life that had wronged me. It had begun to make me sick. I had been so consumed by anger that I walked through life like an angry ball. I hadn't realized that I was perpetuating my own suffering. I had had things happen to me, but who hasn't? I had made an identity out of all the negative circumstances of my life.


Then, I worked with Katrina from The Intentional Retreat, and we began to unpack the reality I had made from my pains. The truth was, sure, shitty things had happened, and people had done wrong by me, but these things had only happened once. Yes, once. I had, however, continued to play these scenarios over and over in my head, continuing to feed my anger and my resentment. We worked to find a way of letting go through acceptance and forgiveness. By intentionally keeping myself accountable to the behavior of acceptance and forgiveness, I was able to train my brain to stop playing the past over and over again. It took a moment or two, haha, but after years of being an angry and miserable person, I was able to let go of the past which created space for me to align to a new me with a new story.


I am free now. I no longer waste energy focusing on others' wrongdoings toward me. I am too busy intentionally creating a life I love and making my dreams come true in the now.

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