The intention of this enquiry set is to Re-Member, Re-Discover, Re-Connect, Re-Pair, Re-Evaluate, and Re-New your relationship.
Life gets busy. We grow. We grow apart. We run stories. We forget to connect. We lose ourselves. We lose each other. We get bored. We get selfish. We fight. Issues arise. Resentment grows. We forget. We hurt one another. We hold onto hurts. We become parents. We become complacent. We become stagnant. We grow tired. We forget. Things change. We change.
This enquiry set offers you the opportunity to sit and discuss topics which usually don’t get addressed in the day to day cycles of life.
Each section explores different areas of interest offering unique opportunities to discuss and share your thoughts, feelings and perspectives in a safe and objective space.
The question cards are responsible for what is brought to the metaphorical table, not each other, which creates a space between each other to talk without personalisation and reactivity. The card made you ask.
Re-member invites the beauty of your early days ‘of love’ to be revisited and refreshed. There’s nothing like remembering your ‘firsts’ as a couple to ignite feelings of love to revisit, rejoice and reunite.
Re-discover creates the space to revisit each other. Over time people change, things get forgotten and interests shift. The questions offer the opportunity to learn about each other again and discover each other afresh.
Re-connect explores topics of vulnerability. Vulnerability is the access point to connectivity. Toxic masculinity and toxic femininity conditioning feed shame. This enquiry set asks questions which help explore fearful and shame provoking topics, alleviating discomfort and opening space for a deeper and more profound connection.
Re-valuate aims to discuss the relationship dynamics and bring about exploration to potentially change the systems within the relationship that have been set up consciously or unconsciously. Couples frequently play roles and set up systems unconsciously which are familiar to their family of origin. Couples rarely sit back and assess the roles and rules that exist within the relationship and what they want to do, whether they like them or not or even if they value the set up. These questions create space to reassess the relationship system offering opportunity for less conflict, more appreciation and fulfilment in the day to day roles.
Re-pair looks at unresolved conflict that lays dormant or active in the relationship. This is the opportunity to have big topics on the table which are usually no-go zones topics.
Over time in relationships avoidance of difficult issues becomes a natural phenomenon.
This set of questions bring topics to the table in a non-personal objective manner offering the opportunity to build deeper understanding of each other’s experiences and hopes for the future in a non-threatening way. By creating a safe space to enquire about tentative issues, resolution and repairing can occur leaving your relationship feeling lighter, with more understanding, and more forgiveness resulting in reunifying your bond.
Re-new brings exploration to areas of your relationship which could do with a little revamp. Constant renewal of your intentions for the relationship and in investment towards each other offers your union a beginner’s mind, a begin again heart and a reinvestment into your life together.
LOVE ME AGAIN Relationship Recovery Set
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